Epic Games PC Gaming ·

Watch_Dogs and The Stanley Parable for free on Epic Games Store

For a limited time you can get the games Watch Dogs and The Stanley Parable for free on the Epic…

For a limited time you can get the games Watch Dogs and The Stanley Parable for free on the Epic Games Store. You can claim these games and keep them forever in your library. Make sure to claim them as the offer ends on 26th March 2020.

Save up to about $45 by getting these games for free!

The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable is a first person exploration game. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will follow a story, you will not follow a story. You will have a choice, you will have no choice.

Epic Games Store page


As Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker, turn Chicago into the ultimate weapon in your quest for revenge. But what happens when your personal quest collides with an entire city?

Epic Games Store page



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